I don't know if Britti remembers this. I forget what birthday it was. What I do remember is Ashley and I saved and worked for weeks on end to buy Britti a pound puppy stuffed animal that she had been wanting.
Mom and Dad weren't exactly the moneybags they are now, :-) as dad was still or just finishing his residency and with 4 kids, I'm sure money was more than tight. But they knew how much Ashley and I wanted to get this present for Britti so they found a way to buy it. I'm sure it was way overpriced and they could have bought a $1 non-brand name stuffed dog at the local thrift store, but they didn't and I thank them for that.
I remember the day we brought it home in its nice fancy cardboard package and how excited we were to wrap it up and give it to Brittani. The look on her face when she got it is still in my head and I hope by bringing this great memory up it can bring a little smile to the whole Wagner family. Although she had hundreds of stuffed animals in her hayday this one always was my favorite.
It's funny how the little things can stick with you and I hope to make memories like this in the near future for my children.
Brittani's a lucky girl. We all are lucky to have siblings that have done and will continue to do little wonderful things like that for us. BIG smile, and a couple tears from out here ;-) {in Chi city, if you were wondering}
ReplyDeleteoh great! waterworks from over here too! Thank you so much cory. I love my pound puppies and while I don't remember actually getting the puppy I do remember the story and mom always reminding me how much you guys worked and showed me how you loved me.
ReplyDeleteCory, Cory I am in tears... this was such a sweet post - I can still remember picking the pound puppy out in the store (I think it was toys 'r us). Funny because today I was telling Ethan 310 Greenway Drive stories... digging for fossils, painting rocks with watercolor paints in the backyard. I'm not sure how much you remember but these were all memories I have with you.
ReplyDeleteIt was Toy R Us and I still cant believe that I actually spent your hard earned money--it cost 21$$!!! You both were so determined and you worked so hard to earn each quarter!! I think that it was her third birthday--I will have to look it up in a scrapbook--and we still have the puppy!! Probably our only dog that never ran away--ha!